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What to prepare

The following is an introduction to what you will need for the Basic Course.


Household sewing machine (with zigzag)


Lock sewing machine (only for those who can prepare)


Dressmaking cutter


Cutter mat


Cut scissors


Silk pin


Sewing kit


Pattern paper


Sewing marking wheel


Japanese ruler


Curve ruler


Thread (for Regiron knit or 100% polyester recommended)



Atelier Course is basically all prepared at the atelier.

Basically, you should bring everything except for (for home practice).

- Home sewing machine (for home practice)


- Lock sewing machine (for home practice)


- Dressmaking cutter (for home practice)


- Cutter mat (for home practice)


- Cutting scissors (for home practice)


- silk pin


- Sewing set


- Pattern paper (for home practice)


- Sewing marking wheel (for home practice)


- Japanese ruler


- curve ruler


- Thread (recommended for Resilon knit or 100% polyester)

- Mechanical pencil for patterns

- eraser

- Bendable curve ruler

* You can find more details on the blog.

There are also recommendations for purchased items, so let's check them as well!

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